Nobody Should Have to Suffer Through Chronic Neck Pain Chronic neck pain is one of those things which seems to creep up on us from time to time. Chronic neck pain is just as its name describes: “chronic”. Nobody should have to deal with chronic pain, let alone chronic neck pain. Throughout this post, we’ll […]
The Importance of Walking Every Day
Walking is Natural for Us Walking is what we’ve been meant to do from day one. As we’re children, we instinctively begin to toddle around and take our first steps with the help of our parents. As we begin to grow up, we start jogging, then running, then we hopefully continue to partake in activities […]
5 Great Nature Areas in Austin, Texas to Take a Walk or Hike
Walking and hiking are both great physical activities to incorporate into your weekly exercise regimen. Below is a list of the five great walking/hiking trails throughout the greater Austin, Texas area. Read on to discover which ones will suit your style of walking and hiking best. Enjoy! 1.) Barton Creek Greenbelt Trail “The Greenbelt” as […]
Fun Ways to Incorporate Walking into Your Daily Routine
Walking is so important for our daily existence and not enough of us seem to factor in even walking for a brief period of time. This brief guide is intended to help you incorporate walking into your daily routine, because after all, our bodies are intended to move and when each extra step counts towards […]
The 4 Ps of Posture: Our Guide
Why Posture is So Important Posture is something which has always been important for us as human beings, yet it seems to be gaining a lot of attention in recent years. This is most likely due to the fact we’ve never had such a large percentage of our workforce within office-style jobs and it’s beginning […]
Discussing the Importance of Ergonomic Workspaces in Our Corporate Culture
Why Do Ergonomics Matter in the Corporate World Ergonomics matter so much within the corporate world, yet they’re often one of the last issues to be discussed? Why is this? We don’t have the answer for that question, yet it’s important to discuss just how important proper ergonomics truly are. In this post we’ll be […]
How Neurosurgery & Spine Consultants Helps You Resolve Your Back Pain
Advanced Technology Our technology we utilize here at Neurosurgery & Spine Consultants is some of the bets you’ll come across within your search for a neurosurgeon.We always focus on incorporating the most up-to-date and advanced technologies to better position ourselves as top-raniknignneurousrgeons within the state of Texas. From the moment you enter our care center […]
Neurologist vs. Neurosurgeon: Our Guide
Neurologist vs. Neurosurgeon Have you been searching for the differences between a neurologist and a neurosurgeon? Well, we’re glad you’re finally here to learn more about the subtle and not so subtle differences between each profession and where they overlap as well. You’ll discover the ins and outs of each profession and how we at […]