Good Posture is Key to a Good Life
Growing up, your parents most likely at one point in time or another mentioned how you should stand up straighter and quit slouching (i.e.: most likely mentioned all the way from your pediatric care age to your teenager years). To put it simply, they weren’t wrong. Good posture is so important for many reasons and throughout this post, we’ll be discussing why. Read on to learn more about the importance of good posture and how it can enrich your life for the better.
Slouching Increases Bad Form in Other Areas of Life
Slouching, or standing slightly hunched, can cause bad form. Bad form, when not corrected, may end up causing issues in other areas of your life later on. One of those areas is your movement and finesse. If you’re hunched over, you may find it difficult to move and perform within a physical activity compared to when you’re standing up straight with proper form. Additionally, slouching generally conveys a lack of confidence in most cultures and may subconsciously indicate to others you lack said confidence.
Bad Form Increases Chances of Injury or Back Pain Developing Over Time
Aside from the increased difficulty with physical activities and negative appearances of slouching and poor posture, you may also run the risk of increasing your chances of injury. Poor posture may lead to a lack of strength in the neck, back, and spine. This in turn may make you much more prone to injuries than if you were to possess the proper posture and form.
Good Posture Not Only Helps Physically, It Helps Mentally as Well
We’ve discussed the physical attributes of possessing good posture, now let’s touch on the possible mental benefits as well. Read any self-help book on building confidence and one of the top recommendations they’ll immediately suggest is to stand up straight to command a presence and boost confidence. Now a lot of people may feel awkward or weird doing this at first because it may feel as though you’re trying to be something you’re not. Yet over time, this new feeling of standing up straight with your head held high may eventually reach its way into your inner being and truly promote a more confident self.
Begin Standing Up Straighter with Neurosurgery & Spine Consultants
If you’re struggling with posture correction and you’ve yet to see results with your own efforts, it may be time to contact us to see how we can help. We’ll be more than happy to address any and all issues we discover upon your initial appointment and we’ll be sure to have you on track to a healthier you as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
DISCLAIMER: No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.