Certified Fraction Liaison
A Certified Fraction Liaison conducts a bone evaluation and creates a personalized plan to reach and maintain a patient’s bone health to prevent future fractures.
DEXA is a type of low-dose x-ray test that measures calcium and other minerals in your
bones. This measurement helps show the strength and thickness (known as bone
density or mass) of your bones.
FAQs – DEXA Scan
Below are commonly asked questions we receive here at Neurosurgery & Spine Consultants regarding DEXA scans:
Do I Need an Appointment for a DEXA Scan?
Yes, you’ll want to schedule an appointment here.
How Long Does Each DEXA Scan Take?
Each DEXA scan takes around 15 minutes to complete from start to finish.
How Much Radiation Exposure Does Each DEXA Scan Emit?
On average, most DEXA scans emit around 0.4 microsieverts, the equivalent of about 7 weeks of natural radiation exposure on a day-to-day basis.
How Often Should I Get a DEXA Scan?
Every 3 to 4 months should be sufficient to examine progress as you begin to rebuild bone density over time.
Will Physical Activity Prior to a DEXA Scan Affect the Results of My DEXA Scan?
No, physical activity will not affect the results of your DEXA scan. However, hydration levels will slightly affect the DEXA scan results. For this reason, you should try to maintain a similar hydration level to your previous scan if possible.
Can I Have a DEXA Scan if Pregnant or Attempting to Become Pregnant?
No, we do not advise pregnant women or women trying to become pregnant to have a DEXA scan.
Is It Safe to Have a DEXA Scan if I Have a Pacemaker?
Yes, the DEXA scan is safe for people with pacemakers.
What is the Maximum Weight Limit for a DEXA Scan?
350 – 450 pounds, depending on the machine’s maximum weigth capacity.
What is the Maximum Height Limit for a DEXA Scan?
6’6″ (6 feet, 6 inches)
How Should I Prepare for a DEXA Scan?
•Ensure you have not had a barium exam or an injection of contract dye in the past tow weeks
•Arrive in comfortable, workout style clothing without metallic components (zippers, metal buttons, or metal underwires in bras)
•You may want to fast prior to your DEXA scan to ensure consistency and accuracy with your DEXA scan
BMI/visceral/fat FRAX score
BMI/visceral/fat FRAX score (private pay exam) helps determine underlying factors which may be affecting your overall bone health. This measurement can help us determine the next best steps going forward when it comes to establishing a plan for success.
Education on bone quality to optimize surgical outcomes is always important for future health and maintaining the right level of care to ensure positive outcomes.