Muscle spasms in the neck can range from bothersome to extremely annoying, or even painful in some cases. Throughout this post, we’ll be summarizing what causes muscle spasms in the neck and what we can do to help you overcome this issue with our comprehensive care and advanced technology.
Potential Neck Spasm Causes
Neck spasm causes may originate from a few different origin causes. Below is a list of common neck spasm causes and what they consist of:
Neck Strain or Sprain
A neck strain or sprain is one of the most common causes of neck spasms on this list. It’s typically caused by a pulled muscle or ligament from an injury to overexertion. This in turn may cause issues to arise which are comprised of muscle reflexes and following with a neck spasm. The non-injured muscles and ligaments tend to tighten during this instance and will subsequently cause the neck spasm to occur.
Overexerting Your Neck or General Fatigue
We’ve all overexerted ourselves at one point in time or another. The neck muscles are really not any different with the fact they can be overexerted if used in ways we’re not accustomed to. If you find yourself working in new ways physically, you may end up using your neck muscles in newfound ways you’ve never thought possible. This will most likely lead to some general fatigue which could cause neck spasms in certain individuals. There are also studies which indicate when the same physical labor is performed in hot environments, there’s an increased risk for muscle spasm following the physical activity.
Herniated Disc
A herniated disc may end up causing a whole host of issues it develops over time, uyet it may also cause neck spasms to develop as well. Sometimes, the herniated disc may cause a leak of inflammatory proteins. This leak of inflammatory proteins may cause inflammation around the neck muscle area and cause neck spasms to occur.
Facet Joint Osteoarthritis
Facet joint osteoarthritis is a condition where the facet joint;s protective cartilage begins to wear away and the adjacent vertebrae themselves begin to grind against one another. In turn, bone spurs may develop and these bone spurs may cause inflammation and nerve compression; both of which may inevitably lead to neck spasms.
Mechanical Dysfunction
Any type of mechanical dysfunction in your bones, joints, or muscles may end up causing neck spasms due to the unnatural motion of said areas of the body. These mechanical dysfunctions may include poor posture, birth defects, bone spurs, past injuries, etc…
Peripheral Neuropathy
Peripheral nerves are nerves which tend to branch away from the spinal canal and make their way into the peripheral nerves. When peripheral nerves are damaged from injury, ailment, or disease; there may be a mixed signaling amongst the nerves and this in turn may result in neck spasms.
Myofascial Pain Syndrome
This condition tends to develop when there are painful trigger points being developed over time within the fascia of the tissue. This commonly affects the muscle in or around the neck area. This in turn may cause muscle spasms in the neck area to occur.
Stress or Anxiety
Typically, when you’re under heavy stress or anxiety, your neck and back display physical signs of distress. This could cause neck muscle spasms in some cases.
Cervical Dystonia
This is a rare and unusual condition which may cause neck spasms. It’s also referred to as spasmodic torticollis and will involve the neck involuntarily tilting or rotating to the side. This condition, if it affects the individual, is most likely seen in individuals age 40 and older. The exact cause of this condition is not yet fully understood, yet some believe it may have a genetic complement to it where it runs in families. Additionally, a previous brain injury may be a factor in developing this condition.
When to See a Doctor
There are other possible causes of neck spasms. If you find yourself experiencing recurring neck spasms or neck spasms which cause pain or stiffness which interferes with daily activities and movement, you’ll want to see a doctor as soon as possible.
Choose Neurosurgery & Spine Consultants for Help with Your Neck Spasms
If you’re seeking further evaluation for your neck spasms and would like to have a full examination to determine what may be going on, feel free to contact us using the form below. We’ll be sure to have you seen by one of our specialists as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
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