Treating Back Pain Without Surgery
Surgery should always be viewed as a last resort option, and we at Neurosurgery & Spine Consultants look at surgery as something which should only be completed if absolutely necessary. In this post, we’ll be discussing if treating back pain without surgery is most likely the better route for you at first, and if necessary, surgical options can be evaluated. Read on to learn more about our various non-surgical options for treating back pain.
Back Surgery as a Final Option
As stated above, back surgery should be viewed as an ultimate, final option when nothing else has resolved your condition which is causing the pain. Back surgery is something we take very seriously, so we want to explore every alternative before proceeding with any level of minimally invasive treatment.
Non-Invasive Preventative Care for Back Pain
Non-invasive preventative care consists of a balanced diet, lowering stress levels, meditating, immersing yourself into a healthier environment if possible, advanced physical therapy, yoga, stretching, massage therapy, and pain management therapy. When you have all of these non-invasive preventative care options available and at your disposal here at NSC, you’ll find your likelihood of having to undergo surgery to most likely be reduced. Let’s explore the non-invasive preventative care strategies we discussed.
Proper Nutrition for a Healthier Neck, Back, & Spine
Nutrition is so important for any aspect of health, let alone treating back pain without surgery. Sometimes our backs are simply not receiving the right balance of minerals, vitamins, amino acids, anti-inflammatory components, hydration, etc… When this occurs., we may find our backs feeling stiff, achey, painful, and even just uncomfortable when we’re merely sitting in a chair or lying down in bed. Nutrition is what we’re ultimately composed of on a day-to-day basis. Without proper nutrition, you can’t expect to feel rested or recover from past injuries or ailments.
Stress Reduction to Improve Back Pain
Stress is a huge contributor to a decline in health if your stress load is simply too high each and every day. Stress raises inflammation, raises blood pressure, causes us to make poor eating choices, and can ultimately lead to weight gain. With this ebay said, it’s very important for you to manage your stress the best you can. Yes, it’s easier said than done, we know, but if you can do one daily activity to reduce your stress load (walking, yoga, meditation, exercise, etc…) you’ll be much better off.
Meditation for Back Pain
Meditation can help us pinpoint which areas of the body are feeling the most stress and discomfort on a daily basis. Meditation also has a way of grounding us and helping us understand ways to handle both internal and external issues. Mediation may not be a one and done solution, yet it can certainly help manage stress levels, which in turn may help reduce inflammatory markers throughout the body. It’s ultimately about the right steps to take in promoting greater healing throughout the entire human body.
Healthier Environment
Whether we like to admit it or not, our environment shapes our mind and body. If you live in a smoggy, fast-paced, noisy environment; you may find your body to be under a constant barrage of stressors which will accumulate at the end of each day in the form of physical stress. Studies have shown when we are exposed to a typical urban environment , day in, day out, we’re more likely to process anxiety differently than if we were in a non-urban environment.
Physical Therapy for Back Pain
Physical therapy is a great asset to utilize when you’re treating back pain without surgery. Our team of physical therapists work with your unique needs and goals to best determine a treatment plan going forward. Physical therapy can help you reach your pain-free goals sooner, rather than later. Through a variety of stretching techniques, coordinated movements, decompression strategies, and targeted strength training exercise; you’ll be able to find your stamina increasing and your pain decreasing. Additionally, flexibility is typically greatly improved when a physical therapy regimen is strictly adhered to.
Yoga for Back Pain
Yoga is not only a great way to potentially reduce back pain without surgery, it’s also a fantastic way to socialize and make new friends. Our social circles help us in more ways than one. If you end up developing a new community of like-minded folks who are focused on healing from within via yoga, you may find yourself in an overall better mood as each week goes by. Who we surround ourselves with greatly impacts your ability to maintain a positive mindset and successfully heal over time.
Stretching for Back Pain
Whether your stretching routine is basic, or quite advanced, you can rest assured any type of stretching is better than no stretching at all. Consistent stretching has the potential to break up fascia and scar tissue, while also promoting greater flexibility which in turn may reduce chances of injury while participating in activities. A good stretch to start each day may assist your back pain without the need for surgery over time.
Massage Therapy for Back Pain
Massage therapy can be just what you need to relax, decompress, and break up some of the pre existing scar tissue from years of wear and tear on your body. A great massage will most likely help you reduce your overall stress load, which is often carried in the neck, abc, and shoulders throughout the week. Treat yourself with professional massage therapy and see if it helps relieve your back pain.
Pain Management Therapy
Pain management therapy (performed in-house here at NSC) can help you effectively manage your pain without the need for surgery. It can also be a great tool to help alleviate pain as we determine which non-invasive therapies your body responds to most effectively.
Choose Neurosurgery & Spine Consultants to Help Treat Your Back Pain Without Surgery
If you’re seeking non-invasive, efficient, and effective solutions for your back pain without the need for surgery, you’ll want to contact us here at Neurosurgery & Spine Consultants so we can best direct you down the right path toward health and wellness. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
DISCLAIMER: No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.