Neck pain is bothersome. We all know this as nearly all of us have experienced some form of neck pain at some point in time. If you’ve experienced neck pain, you’ll want to read over some of these tips and techniques to possibly help reduce your neck pain. We’ve compiled some ways to implement and practical tips to possibly resolve your neck pain. Enjoy!
Choosing the Proper Chair
If you’re working a 9-5, office-style jobs, the chair you choose is so important. You may think you’re saving money by choosing to buy a cheap chair from some discount store. Yet you’ll most likely end up paying the price in some way, shape, or form if you end up having to see the doctor for your chronic neck pain as a result of your poorly supportive chair. Everyone is different and you should certainly go out and test some office chairs for your desk if you’re going to be spending 8+ hours per day seated in them. Your neck, back, ,and spine will thank you later.
Selecting the Right Pillow
A nice, supportive, high-quality pillow cna make all the difference with your neck pain. If you’re sleeping for the recommended 8 hours per night, this ends up being a lot of time to cause pain and discomfort if your pillow is lacking the support for your unique needs. It’s best to experiment with a few different pillows and see which one works the best for you. A great pillow can also improve sleep quality as well. No more tossing and turning due to neck pain when you have the right pillow for your specific needs.
Physical Therapy
Here at Neurosurgery & Spine Consultants, we offer in-house physical therapy from our dedicated team of physical therapists. We’re here to help you resolve your neck pain through a non-invasive approach. Our in-house physical therapists will provide you with the right guidance and exercises to best manage and improve your neck pain over time.
Water Exercises
A swimming pool is a fantastic way to stretch, exercise, and just simply enjoy yourself. The aerobic nature of swimming can help resolve many types of pain, including neck pain. Try it out and see if it helps improve your strength, flexibility, and pain levels through low-impact exercises.
Stress Reduction Techniques
Stres stents to build up in our neck and back. When you’re constantly on edge, stress can pop up in weird ways. One of these ways is chronic neck pain. Do yourself a favor and benign incorporating stress-reduction techniques such as mindfulness, mediation, or even yoga. You may find it’s just the right solution for you.
Keep a Journal of When Your Neck Pain Flares Up
Figuring out what causes your neck pain through journaling cna be a great way to find the culprit of what’s causing your neck pain to flare up. Keeping a daily log of when your neck pain becomes bothersome can possibly help you overcome various types of neck pain. Maybe it’s when you’re stressed at work? Maybe it’s when you eat certain inflammatory foods? Maybe it’s when you wake up from a nap? All of this information can be crucial in determining the root cause of your neck pain condition.
Be Aware of How You’re Using Your Phone & Computer
Many of us use our phones and computers and tend to not realize just how craned our neck is. This consistent craning of the neck may cause neck pain to develop over time and can result in moderate to severe pain if the behavior is not corrected in the appropriate manner. Take some time off of the computer and phone if possible and look up at the trees, the birds, the blue sky. It’ll do you good to not stare at a screen for a bit and move your neck in natural ways.
Choose Neurosurgery & Spine Consultants for Neck Pain Relief
If you’ve been experiencing neck pain and have yet to find the relief you’ve been searching for, you’ll want to contact us using the form below. We’ll be sure to have you seen by one of our specialists as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
DISCLAIMER: No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.