A herniated disc can range from mild, to quite serious, depending on the severity of the incident. Through a number of different methods, we can have your herniated disc resolved in some cases through physical therapy treatment. Surgery is not always the answer and we at Neurosurgery & Spine Consultants know this best. Some clinics promote the idea where surgery is the only option available. Here at Neurosurgery & Spine Consultants, we prefer to take a conservative approach to explore all non-invasive options first and foremost. If surgery ends up being a required step after all other options have been exercised, then we’ll certainly recommend it. Overall, we want to provide the best possible care to our patients and through our excellent physical therapy team, we’ve been able to treat many issues within our large number of patients. Read on to learn more about how we can help with physical therapy for your herniated disc.
What is a Herniated Disc?
You may be wondering what exactly a herniated disc is. In reference to the Mayo Clinic:
“A herniated disk refers to a problem with one of the rubbery cushions (disks) that sit between the individual bones (vertebrae) that stack to make your spine. A spinal disk has a soft, jellylike center (nucleus) encased in a tougher, rubbery exterior (annulus). Sometimes called a slipped disk or a ruptured disk, a herniated disk occurs when some of the nucleus pushes out through a tear in the annulus. A herniated disk, which can occur in any part of the spine, can irritate a nearby nerve. Depending on where the herniated disk is, it can result in pain, numbness or weakness in an arm or leg.”
As you can see, a herniated disc may end up becoming a major problem in some individuals if it is not promptly treated with proper care.
How to Prevent a Herniated Disc?
The following ways to prevent a herniated disc are most commonly recommended amongst the medical community:
- Weight: If you have excess weight, or are very overweight, you may be at more of a risk to encounter a herniated disc over time. This is primarily due to the fact excess weight creates more of a strain on your body’s spine, neck, and back.
- Occupation: If you’re involved in a semi-hazardous to hazardous occupation (i.e.: manual labor) or an occupation which causes you to invoke repetitive, physical strain on your body all day; you may eventually encounter a herniated disc.
- Genetics: Some individuals are simply predisposed to herniated discs more so than others. If you have a family history of herniated discs, you may end up being in the same situation as your relatives who have had herniated disc issues throughout their life.
- Smoking: We all know smoking is bad, yet it’s believed smoking may cause oxygen deprivation to the discs in your spine, which in turn may cause an accelerated degradation of the soft tissue.
If you fall into any of the above categories, you may want to reach out to us for an evaluation.
What to Do if You Think You Have a Herniated Disc?
If you’re in a great deal of pain, be sure to call 911 or visit your nearest hospital as there may be something seriously wrong. Do not wait until the pain is unbearable. If your pain is mild to moderate, you’ll want to either schedule an appointment with us, or see your general physician and request a referral to be seen by our physical therapist team and doctors. The best thing you can do with a potential herniated disc issue is to be proactive, not reactive. Don’t wait any longer if you’re experiencing pain or discomfort. Seek medical treatment and begin treating the issue successfully.
How Our Experts Can Help Resolve Your Herniated Disc Issue
Our team of medical experts here at Neurosurgery & Spine Consultants are here for you every step of the way. From the moment you reach out to our front office staff, to the moment you walk out pain-free after you’ve been successfully treated by our medical staff; you’ll find our process to be above and beyond your expectations.
Choose Neurosurgery & Spine Consultants for Your Herniated Disc Needs
If you’re seeking a solution for your herniated disc, you’ve come to the right place. Feel free to reach out to us with the form below and we’ll be sure to respond to your message ASAP. We look forward to hearing from you soon and we’re eager to begin resolving your pain.
DISCLAIMER: No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.