Lifting Objects the Right Way is Key
Lifting objects which are too heavy for your own good is one of the most common ways to injure yourself. In this brief, yet informative guide; we’ll explain what you need to do in order to lift objects the right way and potentially lower your risk of back, neck, or spinal injury.
You Must Lift with Your Knees
Lifting with your knees may sound like commonly suggested advice, yet you would not believe how many people simply do not lift with their knees. Your knees and legs are typically able to withstand much more weight-bearing loads than your upper-body area consisting of your back, neck, and spine. When you lift with your knees, you’re anchoring the object against your body and lifting through your legs/knees without moving your arms or upper-body. This allows you to properly lift objects without placing further strain and stress on your back, spine, and neck.
Hold the Object Close to Your Body, NOT Far Away
One of the next steps is to always hold the objects close to your body while lifting. When you hold a heavy object away from your body and simultaneously lift it, you may run the risk of inducing a hernia, a slipped disc, or some other type of painful injury. These situations can be easily prevented by simply holding the object as close as you can to your body to help distribute the weight properly without overexerting your core strength area.
Lifting with Another Person to Distribute Heavier Loads
The buddy system can work wonders to help alleviate some of the weight if you’re lifting a heavier object. Having the power of two, three, or four people versus just yourself can make a world of difference on the weight you end up carrying. Altogether, you’ll likely find the extra help when lifting a heavier object to be so much worth it when your back is fully intact and free from pain and discomfort.
Not Lifting the Object at All…
Sometimes it’s best to not even lift the heavy object at all. While this may be a difficult decision to make in the moment, you’ll realize it’s the right choice when you go to bed later on in the evening and your back is feeling great. It may be best to just walk away and have professional movers pick up and move the object. Put your pride aside and let the professionals do what they do best.
Choosing Neurosurgery & Spine Consultants for Your Back Pain Evaluation
If you’ve recently picked up something which was too heavy and has been causing you back, neck, or spine pain; you’ll want to contact us. Simply fill out the form below and we’ll be sure to have you seen by one of our amazing specialists as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
DISCLAIMER: No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.