Good posture is something which is focused on by many, and for good reason. It allows you to present stronger levels of confidence, it helps reduce issues with the back/neck/spine, and it helps the rest of your body maintain itself as well. When you have bad posture, it really only allows negative situations to arise. Throughout this post we’ll be discussing how we can help improve your posture through a number of different means and why you should consider reaching out to us here at Neurosurgery & Spine Consultants if you feel as though your posture could be improved with the help of our excellent team of specialists. Read on to learn more!
Many Ways to Improve…
As mentioned above, there are many different ways to go about improving your posture: physical therapy, stretching/yoga, braces, surgery, etc… Obviously, surgery is a last-resort option as we want our patients to take a conservative approach when attempting to correct their posture with our assistance. We’ve seen many cases of bad posture improve to good, or even great posture when following our recommendations and non-invasive treatment protocol. Wherever your posture is on the spectrum of bad to good posture, we’ll be able to help.
Simply Making an Effort to Stand Up Straighter
Oftentimes, in milder cases of poor posture, the simple act of reminding yourself to stand up straighter every twenty minutes or so can help to maintain a correct posture throughout the day. There are a number of apps and reminder tools you can use for this process as it does help to remind yourself to stand up straighter, even if your posture is already quite good.
Utilizing a Back Brace
Back braces nowadays are sleek and discreet and can often be worn without anyone noticing you’re even wearing one. If your doctor recommends a corrective back brace as a possible solution to look into trying, you may want to consider it, as it may help to prevent further worsening of your poor posture over time. The best thing about the back brace is it’s a non-invasive, removable instrument which can be taken off at night when you’re sleeping. It can be a real game changer for those with mild to moderate cases of poor posture and may be the solution you’ve been searching for.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy can be extremely helpful for a wide range of issues throughout the body, yet it’s especially helpful for issues with the back, neck, and spine. Our team of physical therapists here at Neurosurgery & Spine Consultants have dealt with many different types of cases when it comes to poor posture. We’ve seen it all and we want you to know you’re in great hands here within our physical therapy center. You’ll find our staff to be welcoming, knowledgeable, and professional; all while focused on having you back to having good posture again as soon as possible.
As mentioned before, surgery is a last resort option. We’ll certainly recommend attempting to correct the issue through non-invasive techniques first. If nothing seems to be working after an extended period of time, we may have to discuss options when it comes to surgical procedures. If this is the case, you can trust us to provide you with a clear plan of how we’re going to correct the problem; every step of the way. We want our patients knowing every aspect of our surgical process and how we can help better their lives through minimally invasive, technologically advanced procedures.
Choosing Neurosurgery & Spine Consultants for Your Posture improving Needs
If you’re searching for a way to improve your poor posture, you’ll want to reach out to us here at Neurosurgery & Spine Consultants. We’ll be sure to respond to your inquiry within one business day and have you seen by one of our amazing specialists ASAP. We look forward to hearing from you soon and we’re very eager to help you begin improving your posture!
DISCLAIMER: No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.