Eating real food has a ton of benefits. Throughout this post, we’ll be discussing those benefits and how a real food diet will ultimately help you live a healthier life. Read on to learn more about the benefits associated with real foods, and why you should try your best to avoid ultra-processed, nutrient-deficient foods. We hope you enjoy this brief, yet informative guide, and if you’re interested in learning more about how we can help, you’ll want to contact us at the bottom of this post.
Eating Real Food Makes You Feel Better
We all know when we eat a meal consisting of high-quality protein, leafy greens, maybe some fruit and nuts, and some healthy grains; we just feel good! There’s a reason for this and it’s quite simple. Your body is thanking you for fulfilling its nutritional requirements and when your nutritional requirements are fulfilled, everything within your body will work that much better. There’s a strong connection between the gut and the brain. So it’s no surprise if you eat real, whole foods every day; you’ll probably feel better not only physically, but also mentally. We’ve all experienced an indulgent moment of gluttony from time to time. You know what we’re talking about. Maybe a little too much ice cream for dessert? Maybe a fast food drive-thru meal because you didn’t feel like cooking that evening? Whichever path you chose, you most likely didn’t feel your best afterwards. Thai is why it’s so important to eat real foods as much as possible. It’s what nature intended for us to do.
Eating Real Food Provides Valuable Nutrients, Vitamins, & Minerals
Not only does eating real food make us feel better, it supplements our body with natural and essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. We all need a long list of the right vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to feel and look our best. Eating real foods does exactly that. Proteins, vegetables, fruits, healthy grains, etc… help us maintain adequate levels of our daily recommended values of vitamins, nutrients, and minerals.
Ultra-Processed Food Has Little to No Nutritional Value
Finally, ultra-processed food has little to no nutritional value. The reason behind this is the fact most of it is extremely artificial and stripped of its natural components. With this reduction of the valuable nutrients, vitamins, and minerals; you’re eating a whole lot of nothing in most cases. This is commonly referred to as “filler food”. Avoid it if possible and focus on incorporating real foods into your daily diet.
Contact Us to Learn More About How We Can Help with Your Post-Surgery Nutrition
If you’re seeking out help to best recover from a surgery, or you’re just interested in improving your diet and nutrition to live a better lifestyle; contact us using the form below. We’ll be sure to respond to your message as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
DISCLAIMER: No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.