What to Expect at First Appointment
During your initial visit, you will be seen by our staff, who will ask about your medical history and your symptoms. One of our physicians will then perform a focused neurological examination. After reviewing your medical history and diagnostic tests, you will be presented with a number of treatment options. We will inform you of the risks and benefits of each option and will assist you in making the final decision concerning which option is best for you.
If you have them, please bring your radiographic images (MRI, CT scan, plain X-ray films) to your first appointment (although they are not necessary to schedule an appointment). Our physicians will personally review each film with you and your family during consultation. If you have any questions regarding your diagnosis or treatment, or office policy and procedure, please call our office. Your call will be returned during our normal business hours. Also, we will provide you an access pin that will allow you to create an account on our online Patient Portal, which is the most efficient way of interacting with your health information.